Saturday, August 27, 2011

Teaching Creation and Evolution to High School Students--Resources!

I love science.  I always have.  I am particularly drawn to the ongoing debate of creation vs. evolution.  Conversations with many people who do not hold the beliefs that I do have done so much to help me dig deeper into resources on the topic.  Recently, a friend of mine asked for some resources for a friend who wanted to be able to counter evolutionary thinking in a friend.  My advice to her was a warning:  this is a complex and tricky topic.  If you want to jump in green, you will get burned a few times before you emerge ready for battle again.  You might find yourself-at some point-even doubting your beliefs.  We are human.  It happens.  So before you take on the pros, immerse yourself in knowledge.  Here are a few places to start.

The important thing to realize is that evolution is not "operational" science.  In other words, it cannot be recreated in a lab.   The big bang is a theory that has never been recreated or proven.  Molecules-to-man evolution has never been observed without the help of an intelligent designer.  One other thing that might surprise you is that many high-profile gospel-preaching preachers, while believing in intelligent design, hold to the "old earth" creationism that reinforces the idea of millions of years.  While I personally do not share this view, it is important to do the research for yourself and form your own opinions.  When your kids reach college age, they will be bombarded with this stuff.  Get them ready now.

1.  Answers in Genesis.  Even though this organization has been on the front lines and headlines of the debate--they are not actually my favorite resource!  I find their printed materials and curriculum very simplistic.  There isn't much depth.  That being said, they are staffed with some incredible minds, and their website and blog is top notch.

2.  Dr. Dino.  I love that name.  This is a great website.  I highly recommend going to the watch videos tabs and watching the debate videos as a class project.  Here you will see level-headed debates between experts.  You can see right off the bat that it is a complex topic.

3.  Institute for Creation Research.  This is one of my favorites.  Search their site and read the various articles.  They keep up with the latest news, and go into detail about arguments that creation scientist should NOT use and why.

4.  Creation Ministries International.  Another great site.  Very similar to ICR.

5.  Creation Conversations.  This website requires a membership.  It is a forum that is like social networking for creation scientists.  Every month it features an "Ask The Expert" discussion thread that utilizes top scientist in the field.  Really, really helpful!

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